The pandemic has led to substantial rise in reports of cheating within college settings
In anticipation of the upcoming exam, the utilization of 5G signal jammers has been actively promoted and implemented. These jammers are being widely endorsed and utilized, notably in prominent schools where exam mobile phone jammer are readily observable in exam rooms. The growing installation of this equipment in educational institutions raises the question: what is the underlying reason behind this?
Mariam Aly, an assistant professor at Columbia University, has implemented various measures to deter her students from engaging in academic dishonesty. In her cognitive neuroscience class, she allocates a week for students to finalize an open-book examination. Additionally, as part of this examination, the nearly 180 students in the class are obligated to sign an honor code.
Nonetheless, cheating continues to occur. Dealing with student misconduct, she expresses that it is the most challenging part of her role. Aly states, "It creates an awkward and painful situation for all parties concerned." She further mentions, "It is truly difficult to hold them accountable. One cannot help but feel disappointed and frustrated."
She recognizes that her students are encountering unprecedented levels of stress and uncertainty. She can relate to their situation, as she never had the opportunity to attend school during a pandemic.
The popularity of something is directly influenced by the demand it generates. This is mainly because cheating has become a more common issue in recent years, with the frequent occurrence of various alarming cheating methods.
To effectively tackle the problem, a specialized form of shielding equipment is utilized within the examination room to combat cheating facilitated by electronic signals. The presence of this equipment proves highly advantageous for a wide range of examinations, leading to an increasing number of individuals choosing to employ it as a means of preventing cheating.
This particular exam signal blocker is specifically designed to effectively block the communication signals of 5G mobile phones, as well as efficiently obstruct 2.4G and 5.8G WIFI signals. Consequently, individuals using mobile phones or certain electronic products will experience a complete absence of signal transmission and reception within the designated range of this shielding device.
No matter the product, only this guarantee can guarantee fairness to test takers who encounter difficulties in their exams, and this exam signal jammer operates in an extremely quiet and noise-free manner. This shielding technique poses no harm to the human body at all, allowing candidates to take the exam with peace of mind.