Churches are implementing cell phone signal blockers

Churches are implementing cell phone signal blockers

The blocking of ringing cell phones is becoming more common due to the use of technology originally created to help security forces prevent eavesdropping and thwart phone-triggered bombings.

The initial discovery was made by the reporters. While they were busy documenting the lavish weddings of the elite, they encountered a problem with their cell phones not working at Sacred Heart. When they inquired about this issue with the priest, they were informed that Israeli counterintelligence was to blame for the disruption.

Four churches in Monterrey have discreetly incorporated Israeli-made cell phone blocker, resembling the size of paperbacks, among their collection of religious artwork depicting the Madonna and statues of saints.

The jarring polychromatic din of ringing cell phones is being increasingly thwarted in places like religious sanctuaries, India's parliament, Tokyo theaters, and commuter trains, by devices originally developed to assist security forces in averting eavesdropping and stopping phone-triggered bombings.

In response to politicians' persistent refusal to turn off their cell phones, jammers were installed in the Indian parliament to maintain order during legislative sessions.

Italian universities have taken action against cheating during exams by implementing blockers, as they found that tech-savvy teenagers were resorting to tactics such as sending text messages or taking pictures of test materials.

The devices offered by Netline Communications Technologies Ltd., a company based in Tel Aviv, have been adopted by the four Roman Catholic Churches in this northern city. These devices were imported by an insurance salesman as a personal favor for a priest.

The Rev. Juan Jose Martinez, a representative of the archdiocese, emphasized that there are still numerous individuals who do not realize that attending Mass involves participating in a meaningful moment with God. Unfortunately, the utilization of these small devices became the only viable option.

Acquired at a cost of roughly $2,000 per unit, these devices can be activated remotely and emit low-level radio frequencies. Their main function is to hinder cell phone signals within a 100-foot radius.

When attempting to use their cell phones, users may come across a message on their devices indicating that there is "no service" or that the "signal is not available."

Wedding bells

Two years ago, church officials in Monterrey acquired blockers for the Sacred Heart church, a baroque temple favored by Mexico's elite for weddings.

As mentioned by Bulmaro Carranza, a parish clerk, cell phones would ring every five minutes during weddings. This presented a challenge, particularly when the groom would occasionally forget to mute his cell phone.

The devices went unnoticed for months until reporters, who were assigned to cover the weddings, started raising concerns about the consistent failure of their cell phones.

As per Carranza, since news of the signal blocker became public, priests from throughout Mexico have been contacting him to inquire about how to obtain them.

At Sacred Heart, a device located at the church entrance and another positioned by the altar are activated right before the start of each Mass. However, the priests consistently remind parishioners to turn off their phones before the services commence, hoping that proper cell phone etiquette will eventually become more prevalent.

According to Martinez, The Rosario, San Juan Bosco, and Our Lady Queen of the Angels, along with other Monterrey churches with the devices, are frequented by wealthier parishioners.

Martinez highlighted the fact that although many individuals view the cell phone as a necessity, it is crucial to exhibit good manners and remember to respect sacred places.

Margarita Escobedo, a devout Catholic who actively participates in church activities by attending services at least twice a week and selflessly volunteering at the San Genaro church, voices her support for the integration of jammers in her parish. She recognizes the growing inconvenience caused by cell phones and believes that the use of jammers would effectively address this issue, allowing for a more focused and peaceful worship environment.

The statement made by Escobedo suggested that bringing cell phones to church indicates a lack of dedication to God. He pointed out the distraction caused by noises such as birds chirping or techno music during prayer.