Mobile jammers were originally used disrupt communication between criminals and terrorists
Jammers gradually occupy the civilian market
Mobile jammers were originally developed for law enforcement and the military to disrupt communications between criminals and terrorists. The bombs that destroyed Spanish commuter trains in March 2004, Bali in October 2002 and Jakarta in August 2003 all relied on mobile phones to detonate explosives. In December 2003, it was widely reported that a cell phone jammer prevented an assassination attempt on Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf. When President Bush visited London in November 2004, it was reported that the British police planned to use jammers to protect the presidential motorcade passing through London.
But now, jammers gradually occupy the civilian market, and the popularity of radio wave jammers is welcomed by more people in need.
"I can't stand talking on the phone loudly around me. I will be taking steps to stop making phone calls altogether."
The New York Times reported on May 4 that electronic jammers that prevent loud phone calls in public places are being sold in the United States.
The New York Times said that as more people are bothered by the noise of mobile phones in public places, more people are using the devices.
The so-called mobile phone jammer will emit a strong mobile phone jammer, and when the phone is used in the range of 9 meters or so, the call will cause "interference".
In September, for example, Andrew, an architect, was on a commuter train when he pressed a button on a black device the same size as the bag in his pocket. A woman in her twenties had been initiating a Chat on the phone next to me. A woman in her 20s had been talking to herself for about 30 seconds before she realized her phone had suddenly been locked.
Using signal jammer device to intercept phone calls is illegal in the United States, but foreign suppliers are exporting the devices at a rate of hundreds a month because of increased demand in the United States, the newspaper said.
People who buy these devices include public transport commuters like Andrew, cafe and lounge owners, public speakers, theatre operators and bus drivers. The devices range in price from $50 to hundreds of dollars.
James Katz, director of the Institute for Mobile Communications at the University of Rochester, said: "Some callers think they have higher rights than those around them who don't like to hear noise. I think it will.
The newspaper said cellphone wifi jammer can block loud speakers and many careful speakers.
Versatile jammer you can't imagine
It's hard to imagine how versatile jammers can be. Military life and work.
The first thing the reporter noticed. The marriage of the rich and famous, but can't get through to the editor's phone. They asked the priest why their phones didn't work in the Sacred Heart Cathedral. His answer: Israeli counterintelligence.
In four churches in Monterrey, Israeli-made cell phone jammers (the size of paperbacks) are shamelessly hidden among paintings and statues of Madonna Saints.
From religious shelters to the Indian parliament, Tokyo theaters and commuter trains, cellphone ringtones are increasingly being disrupted by a cacophony of colorful mayhem. The devices were originally developed to help security forces avoid eavesdropping and thwart phone-triggered bombs.
What if the person sitting next to the bus is on the phone for 30 minutes? What if I'm watching a movie at the cinema and my phone rings suddenly? The New York Times reported on Thursday (local time) that some Americans who can't stand the annoying situation are using cell phone jammers.
There are many types of jamming devices, ranging from the size of a cigarette pack with a 30-foot radius (which can jam phones) to large models (which can turn entire theaters and schools into unconventional zones). Prices range from $50 to hundreds of dollars.
Many school leaders have taken a consistent approach to students who cheat on their phones by buying and using cell phone jammers.
Earlier this month, the medical school of Ransat University in Thailand also admitted four students to cheating in the entrance exam. Two of them wore glasses with built-in cameras and three wore smartwatches. Glasses are used to photograph exam questions. During the break, the candidate hands the glasses to someone and sends the photos to an accomplice in a makeshift command center elsewhere. The co-conspirators reviewed the questions and texted back to the candidates. The candidate confirmed this with a smartwatch.
The good news is that such misconduct has been exposed. No one wants to operate on someone who has become a cheating doctor under anesthesia. But while the specific methods may vary, the same behavior as Ahmed's continues to be repeated around the world. Even in Iraq, the cheating was so bad that much of the country's Internet was shut down.
From this perspective, online cheating seems to be the main problem. Wifi gps blocker are also becoming increasingly popular in schools. But the real problem is that most exams are made up of outdated learning ideas. This happens because cheaters can search the Internet for information to find answers.
In the examples we saw earlier, people used cell phone jammers to solve some social problem. I think you solved the problem, thanks to him. In fact, however, smartphones and wireless communications already exist. You can access the Internet from anywhere in the world, and smartphones and wireless devices are becoming more common.