The man who utilized a signal jammer to prevent his children from using the internet during the night
In France, a father's genuine attempt to protect his children from the internet and cell phones during late hours has led to serious legal ramifications. By employing a signal jammer, he effectively prevented his kids from accessing the online world, but inadvertently disrupted the connectivity of individuals in a neighboring town as well. Consequently, he now faces the possibility of imprisonment and a substantial fine.
The Agence Nationale Des Frequences (ANFR) was informed of an unusual report concerning the disruption of internet and cellular service in Messanges, France. The peculiarity of this interruption was further heightened by its consistent recurrence every weeknight, starting at midnight and concluding at 3 AM. Upon investigation, it was determined that a signal jammers was deliberately blocking radio frequencies, causing the disturbance.
The report highlighted that the Touluse Regional Service of the ANFR initiated its investigation in the middle of the night. What might have triggered such a disturbance during a time when the entire city is typically asleep?
As the agency continued looking into the situation, it found a characteristic shape on a graph (seen below). The measurement left no doubt in the investigator's mind that it was the signature of a wave cell phone jammer, which is prohibited in France. The search for the origin of the jammer led the investigator to a house near the coast. After knocking on the door and confronting the dad, he admitted he was in fact using the signal jammer to keep his teenage kids from accessing the internet with their smartphones instead of sleeping.
In its report, ANFR explains that his children have indeed become addicted to social networks and other applications, especially since the confinement measures were put in place due to the Covid-19 epidemic.
Despite not intending to block an entire town's internet connection, the father's use of a signal jamming device is considered illegal in France. As a result, he may face a fine of around $34,000 (30,000 Euros) and a six-month prison sentence.
It is worth mentioning that employing jammers or similar technology to prevent children from accessing the internet is illegal in the United States, as it is in France. If convicted, individuals in America could potentially be subjected to significant fines and imprisonment.
As the case continues in France, ANFR has delivered all its findings to the local authorities. However, the father is no longer in possession of his signal jammer, which he previously employed to restrict his children's access to their favored social media platforms.