Is there a cell phone signal blocker that can be used on a neighbors devices?

Is there a cell phone signal blocker that can be used on a neighbors devices?

The convenience of being able to reach out to individuals at any time is undeniable. However, the misuse of cell phones in restaurants, movie theaters, concerts, shopping malls, and churches has become a prevalent issue, as not all users are mindful of when to conclude their conversations.Have you ever been in a situation where you felt irritated by listening to a conversation about a deeply personal issue, where the speaker divulges intimate details to their friend and everyone else around them?

Although many of us tend to grumble and continue with our lives, there are individuals who go to great lengths to retaliate. Cell phones, essentially functioning as portable two-way radios, can experience signal disruption or jamming, similar to any other radio device.

The primary function of jamming devices is to overpower cell phones by emitting a signal on the same frequency and with a high power level, causing the two signals to collide and nullify each other. In order to compensate for low-level interference, cell phones are programmed to increase their power, thus the cell phone jammer must be able to detect and match the power boost from the phone.

Cell phones function as full-duplex devices, using two distinct frequencies for talking and listening simultaneously. Certain signal jammer block one of the frequencies used by cell phones, resulting in the blocking of both frequencies. This leads the phone to believe there is no service available, as it can only receive one frequency.

Basic devices have the capacity to block only one set of frequencies, while advanced gps jammer can block multiple types of networks simultaneously. This is done to preemptively hinder dual-mode or tri-mode phones from automatically switching between different network types to locate an available signal. Certain high-end devices have the ability to block all frequencies at once, while others can be fine-tuned to target specific frequencies.

Jamming a cell phone signal is as simple as using a device that broadcasts on the appropriate frequencies. While different cellular systems may process signals differently, they all rely on radio signals that are susceptible to interruption.Within Europe and Asia, GSM is utilized in digital cellular and PCS-based systems, functioning within the 900-MHz and 1800-MHz bands, whereas in the United States it operates within the 1900-MHz (sometimes referred to as 1.9-GHz) band.Jammers possess the capability to broadcast signals across any frequency, making them highly effective against AMPS, CDMA, TDMA, GSM, PCS, DCS, iDEN, and Nextel systems. Whether it is an old-fashioned analog cell phone or a modern digital device, both types are equally susceptible to the disruption caused by jamming.

The actual range of the gsm jammer depends on its power and the local environment, which may include hills or walls of a building that block the jamming signal. Low-powered jammers block calls in a range of about 30 feet (9 m). Higher-powered units create a cell-free zone as large as a football field. Units used by law enforcement can shut down service up to 1 mile (1.6 km) from the device.

I'll give you a serious answer since many others won't. I know from experience that, yes, your neighbor COULD have such a device. They're rather inexpensive. $150 can get someone a cell phone wifi jammer conveniently delivered to their door.

Is it likely though? Anything is possible. You never really know who your neighbors are. I move around a lot & after all the awful neighbors I have had, I put nothing past anyone.

FCC probably won't take your claim seriously without proof. Just repeat the performance a few times & record the results. However, if the guy has a jammer it would probably be best not to talk about your test out loud.

Reason being, when someone has a jammer, they usually also have a listening device. No, I am not joking. Every person in this would be paranoid if they knew the number of people who buy listening devices so they can spy on their neighbors for shits & giggles....or worse more malicious reasons.They're easy to acquire & work wonderfully. Don't talk about your plan to test him so you can record it. If he has a jammer, chances are that he's the type to have such a device to listen to you in your home.