Are there any cars that have integrated GPS tracking systems?

Are there any cars that have integrated GPS tracking systems?

The majority of recently manufactured vehicles are equipped with built-in GPS tracking systems. This feature greatly enhances the security of your car, allowing you to monitor its whereabouts in real-time. It is estimated that within the next five years, 98% of vehicles in the United States will be installed with a GPS tracking system.

Are you currently seeking to purchase your child's initial automobile and taking into account safety features like GPS tracking? The task of shopping for a car becomes even more arduous when it involves buying your teenager's first vehicle. After all, you are entrusting the safety of your beloved child on the road.

In my perspective, GPS tracking is a crucial attribute for every vehicle. When assisting my brother in selecting my niece's inaugural car, I made sure he acquired one equipped with an integrated GPS tracking system. This enables him to closely monitor his beloved daughter.

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GPS Tracking In Cars

GPS tracking is a concept that is familiar to all of us, either through our mobile phones or our vehicles. Nowadays, GPS has become an integral part of our daily routines.

What Exactly Is GPS Tracking?

The acronym GPS stands for Global Positioning System, which enables the remote monitoring of an object's location. Through GPS technology, one can track the longitude, latitude, course of direction, and ground speed of a target.

Additional knowledge on GPS Tracking can be acquired through WhatIs, an educational platform dedicated to Information Technology (IT).

How Do GPS Tracking Devices Work?

It is equally crucial to comprehend the functioning of GPS as it is to be aware of its definition. As per National Geographic, GPS operates through a constellation of 24 satellites that revolve around the Earth in a meticulously calculated orbit.

GPS receivers on Earth, such as mobile phones or vehicles, are designed to receive signals from satellites at any given moment. By measuring the time it takes for a signal to reach the receiver from a minimum of three satellites, the GPS receiver is able to accurately determine its own location. This method is commonly referred to as trilateration.

Do All New Cars Have GPS Tracking Devices?

The Zebra, an insurance company, reports that there are approximately 78 million cars in the United States equipped with a built-in GPS tracking system. It is projected that within the next five years, nearly 98% of all cars in the country will be installed with GPS trackers. However, it is important to note that the use of GPS trackers in vehicles is not currently required by law in the United States.

Transfinder, a logistics software company, has stated that GPS navigation for personal vehicles was introduced in 2001. Consequently, it can be concluded that vehicles manufactured prior to this year may not possess built-in GPS navigation. Numerous car manufacturers, such as Nissan, Hyundai, and Ford, provide factory-installed GPS navigation systems.

What Is The Best Place To Hide GPS In Your Car?

If the car you’re getting for your child doesn’t have a GPS built-in and you’re opting you get one for them, then you need to know the best place to install the GPS device. Here are the best places to hide a GPS device in your teen’s car:

  • The undercarriage of a car is an optimal location for concealing a GPS tracking device. This is due to the magnetic mount feature found in most GPS devices, allowing for a secure attachment to the metallic portion of the vehicle. I have previously assisted a friend in installing a GPS using this method.

  • The front or rear bumper of your teenager's car is an ideal location to install a GPS device, and one such option is The Bumper. While you have the option to remove the bumper for installation, in many instances, you can securely attach the GPS to the car's bumper using velcro.

  • A GPS device can be discreetly installed inside the dashboard, beneath the steering wheel. Despite the challenging installation process, this placement ensures that it remains hidden from view, making it less susceptible to theft or tampering by individuals such as robbers or curious teenagers, like my niece.

How To Find Hidden GPS Device On Your Car?

The utilization of GPS navigation not only ensures the safety of you, your teenager, and your vehicle, but it can also serve as a means for criminals to surveil you or your teenager's car. To ascertain the regulations in your state regarding the installation of a tracker on your vehicle, you may consult the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Generally, though, it’s illegal in the U.S. for someone to install a tracker on someone else’s vehicle without their consent. If you have suspicions about someone tracking your vehicle, here’s how to find a hidden GPS device in your car:

  • Conducting a comprehensive examination of both the interior and exterior of your vehicle is essential in locating a GPS device. It is crucial to thoroughly inspect areas such as the undercarriage, dashboard, inside the bumpers, and even under the hood. It is worth noting that the same areas where a GPS device can be concealed are also the preferred hiding spots for criminals.

  • To circumvent the inconvenience of conducting a physical inspection, employing a GPS detector is recommended. A comprehensive article by GPS Tracker Shop elucidates the functionality and purpose of a GPS scanner. This tool swiftly identifies GPS devices, even those overlooked during a physical inspection.

  • To ensure a comprehensive search, it is advisable to seek professional assistance by taking your car to a mechanic who can effectively detect any concealed GPS devices within your vehicle.

Can Remove Or Block GPS Tracking On A New Car?

In the event that you come across a concealed GPS tracker in your vehicle or your teenager's vehicle, it is possible to eliminate it. Nevertheless, if your vehicle is equipped with an integrated GPS system, removing it won't be feasible. However, you can effectively block GPS signals by utilizing a GPS blocker. Take a look at the assortment of GPS jammers available at the signal jammers Store.

An alternative approach involves detaching the battery from the GPS device in order to cease its functionality. In the event that this proves ineffective, you may consider taking your vehicle to a professional mechanic who can assist in its removal.