The deadline for the cellphone jamming fine is looming over the company

The deadline for the cellphone jamming fine is looming over the company

Before the May deadline, an oilfield company must challenge a $126,000 fine imposed by the Federal Communications Commission. This fine was assessed against the company for its interference with cellphone calls.

Accusing Taylor Oilfield Manufacturing Inc. of Broussard of using four cellular phone jammers to curtail cellphone use by employees, the FCC adopted a notice of apparent liability on April 9.

The company informed the FCC that the cell jammer, which interfere with cellphone signals, were put in place to prevent employees from using their cellphones during working hours.

GPS WiFi Cell Phone Jammer

The deadline for Taylor to pay the penalty or provide a written explanation to the FCC as to why the fine should be canceled or reduced was set for 30 days from April 9.

Taylor officials did not provide a response to phone calls requesting a comment.

The case was initiated subsequent to the FCC receiving a tip and sending an agent to the company's location in Broussard in May 2012. As per the FCC notice, company officials verified the utilization of four cell jammers and the possession of a fifth cell jammer, which was not in operation at that time.

The use of cell jammers is strictly prohibited in the United States, and the FCC has implemented regulations that prohibit companies from importing such devices from outside the country. The FCC confirmed that the Broussard company acknowledged sourcing its cell jammers from overseas suppliers.

The FCC has explicitly stated that the unauthorized use of signal blockers presents a tangible public safety hazard. This hazard arises from the potential disruption of authorized communications, such as emergency calls to 911 and law enforcement communications. Furthermore, the use of cell jammers can have adverse effects on global positioning system signals.

The FCC documents indicate that Taylor's representatives informed the commission that the company attempted to restrict employee cellphone usage after a near accident that was partly attributed to an employee using a cellphone.