Two sensors are integrated into the Laser Interceptor Laser Jammer

Two sensors are integrated into the Laser Interceptor Laser Jammer

Laser Interceptor acts as an Anti Laser type active Laser signal jammers, sending out beams to block police lasers, unlike radar detectors that simply alert you to speed measurement. This LIDAR-triggered Laser Jammer emits a Jamming Beam upon detecting a LIDAR signal, deactivating when the signal ends, and reactivating upon detection of another LIDAR Signal(s). The Laser Interceptor laser jammer is equipped with two sensors.

The laser detector and laser transmitter form each sensor. These sensors are positioned at the front of the vehicle, and additional sensors can be purchased to safeguard the rear of the vehicle too.

Upon powering up, the device performs a self-test and proceeds to play a welcoming sound. The transceiver unit features two built-in sensors that are sensitive to laser beams. When a laser beam is detected by the sensor, it sends a signal to a high-speed microprocessor for analysis, which then transmits corresponding signals to the LASER transmitter.

The synchronization of both sensors results in an increased jamming effect. When a LIDAR device receives signals from a vehicle equipped with a Laser Interceptor, it loses its ability to measure the speed accurately. This is because the device receives erroneous information about the current distance from the vehicle, leading to an incorrect speed measurement. Consequently, the speed is not displayed, and the device promptly notifies the user through an audio warning sound and a Voice Alert, indicating the type of LIDAR being employed, whenever a speed measurement is attempted.

With the inclusion of a built-in thermo regulation system, the device is capable of operating optimally even in extreme temperature conditions. Its housing is constructed using black plasticized aluminium and incorporates a front optical lens. Moreover, the device is designed to be waterproof and highly resistant to any form of mechanical damage.

A radar detector is a device that is mounted in a vehicle to detect radar signals from a long distance. Its main function is to immediately notify the driver/user about potential radar-based threats, including speed measuring devices like multanova or radar speed guns.

Radar detectors are specifically designed to detect and protect against RADAR threats, offering efficient protection. However, they may not be sufficient in providing timely warnings against LIDAR, a laser-based speed measuring device. LIDAR is increasingly preferred due to its better performance, stability, and advanced technology compared to outdated RADAR products like RADAR multanova, which are gradually becoming obsolete.

The most effective defense against LIDAR can only be achieved through laser jamming systems. These systems possess the capability to detect and impede laser speed guns, ensuring a worry-free driving experience without any concerns about laser-based speed measurement.